Julian Cope Presents Head Heritage
Address Drudion: Monthly updates from the Arch-drude
March Druchon: March 2008ce
I’ve also been digging the bizarre sounds of LONG RANGE AUDIO DEVICE by L-RAD, a duo comprised of American Steve Dafoe and former Van Der Graaf Generator singer/drummer Judge Smith. If – like me you adored the Judge’s fucking savagely irritating vocal on Van Der Graaf’s 1968 debut 45 ‘Firebrand’, well, the Judge is back, kiddies. And, luckily for us, he’s discovered the kind of anally-obsessive cohort that can take them both into precisely the kind of MEET THE RESIDENTS-style Zappaesque soundscapes that I ain’t heard since back in the days of RAUDELUNAS PATEPHYSICAL REVUE by Ron Pate’s Debonairs (now, weez really talking). If only progressive rock had pursued this slow swan dive trajectory, I’d have been down with it to this day. But as the only thing I’ve heard in the past 18 months that ploughs this solitary vein was that first Benbenek LP from a year or so back, I ain’t holding my breath for this musical style to become the new trend. Indeed, this L-RAD project sure is irritating as fuck, but I love its solipsistic post-LUMPY GRAVY and advise you to check out their site at www.myspace/lradproject, or score your own copy at www. model omusic.com.